Monthly, 2nd Sunday of the Month
Following delays due to the coronavirus lockdown we are now planning to start our Monthly Volunteer sessions at Moons Moat.
These sessions are being funded by grants from local RBC and WCC Councilors and the programme aims to get our supporters involved with ongoing maintenance and improvement tasks at the Moat.
So as well as regular maintenance and improvement activities such as :
- Clearing and restoring footpaths (mainly gravel) to the north and south of the Moat
- Planting whips inside the ranch fencing to close the boundary gaps
- Maintaining the ranch fencing with repairs as required
- Clearing scrub and non-native shrub growth (eg Dogwood) on the north and south perimeter of the Moat
- Planting spring bulbs (daffodils) during designated sessions involving children from local First Schools – initially on the north bank of the Moat
- Clearing the outlet channel from the Moat to enable egress during high water-levels
- Clearing any litter and/or debris which has been left on site
- Cutting reeds to water-level in the eastern section of the Moat (retaining those to the west adjacent to the island)
We are hope that we will be able to implement planned activities from or Outreach plan which will include
- Construction and location bird and bat boxes
- Removal of tree and shrub growth to create a walkway through the area
- Removal of scrub and shrub growth to enable the growth of natural flora (eg bluebells)
- Creation of brush and wood-piles using some of the cut material
- Installation of seating (log-benches) in the walkway and overlooking the Brook
- Sowing a wild-flower meadow
- When seasonal, rake out the cut meadow grass
These activities will be both on the site of the Moat itself and will develop access and support to natural habitats in the conservation area to the east of the Moat and Brook:
We anticipate that the Programme will entail voluntary activity, for a team which will not exceed 10 volunteers, for one day – or half-day – each month.
We have an experienced leader for this programme which will be conducted in close liaison with RBC officers. Times and dates are yet to be agreed.
Would you like to be involved in the Programme – and if so, in what capacity? Please contact us be emailing or calling 07887 692348 or 07860 326582
Please Volunteer and join us
Derek Coombes
Chairman, MMCG